CDx Scoop Blog Articles

A Personal Touch

Written by CDx Scoop | Aug 15, 2022 4:16:04 PM

The CDx Spirit Committee has been hard at work, during the past quarter, organizing events to celebrate our diverse employee base and provide well-deserved breaks for snacking and socializing.

In Maine, employees have continued to participate in local community food pantry donations. Cumberland Foreside Town Manager Bill Shane shared his appreciation with Todd Anderson and Joe Grant for the donations.

PRYSM, the CDx employee resource group for the LGBTQIA+ community, set up some activities to celebrate Pride Month, including rainbow Skittle desk drops courtesy of Lena Farrin, a rainbow ice cream social, a collaborative Pride puzzle, and an ally pledge that was signed by employees. Thanks to everyone who participated!

For the end of FY22, the Spirit Committee held a celebration lunch with members of the ELT. Lisa Taylor and Cherie Porter coordinated PayDay desk drops to celebrate bonus payouts. 

Below are some photos from site visits by LGC ELT members to Gaithersburg and Technopath Clinical Diagnostics.

And finally, a photo of Lisa Amaya-Price and Adriane Berry on a tour of the Cumberland Foreside laboratory.

If you would like to join the Clinical Diagnostics Spirit Committee, send an email to!